
Showing posts from January, 2018


This is everyone's favorite section, I'm sure. You will have terrible days when it feels like you’ve made no progress and nothing you’re doing is working – I had MANY and here’s how I got through them. Have A Support Group It doesn’t have to be a group, but have someone to talk to – someone you can be completely honest with, someone you can tell your fears to, someone who will go wild over even your smallest successes and someone who isn’t afraid to call you out on your shit if you’re deluding yourself. My best friend and I started a GoogleDoc at the beginning of 2017 (we were both turning 30 that year and had some major life goals to accomplish) and wrote back and forth to each other pretty much every day. Not only did it document everything for me to look back on, but it allowed me to use my strongest form of communication (writing) to express my fears, concerns, woes, weird small successes, weird big successes, etc. We wrote down all our goals so they were right the


This is really where “do what works for you” comes into play – your exercise routine has to be something you WANT to do. Obviously, there will be days where you don’t want to do anything, but on the whole go with something you enjoy – walking, bicycling, running, yoga, lifting weights, Zumba – whatever it is the bottom line is to get yourself moving. Even 50lbs ago I was active and enjoyed working out (as I mentioned, food was my big thing), but if you’re not that active right now A) talk to your doctor before jumping into anything crazy and B) START SLOW – there is zero need for you to try to run 12 miles tomorrow. It feels like the more you do the more weight you can lose and fast, right? Not if you hurt yourself and can’t do anything! I was pretty set with cardio before I started this – going on runs, doing some sprint workouts, hitting the elliptical, but one of the biggest changes I made was I started lifting weights. I had done CrossFit and 9Rounds in the past (highly


So the bad news is that food is like 90% of this struggle. You can workout all day every day until you die (please don’t), but if you’re not eating right, it’s not going to matter. This is especially true if you’re like me and have an “efficient” (read: slow) metabolism. (Which really just means when the zombie apocalypse happens, I’m going to be the last to die of starvation, SO THERE.) I’ve run 5 half marathons and trained for a full marathon in the past six years so it’s not like I was “unfit” but I also ate whatever I wanted (and way too much of it). First Things First – Deal With Your Shit Most of us are overweight for a reason – sometimes that reason is that you’re just too busy to take care of yourself (I find this is especially true of my friends with families), but sometimes there are more “baggage” type reasons and I highly recommend sorting that shit out before/while losing weight. (Does your insurance cover a few free sessions with a therapist? Take advantage of that

How I Did It - General Advice

My biggest piece of advice is a) start small and b) figure out what works for you. Start Small Can you trade soda for sparkling water? Can you change your brand of bread from white to multigrain/seed? Can you start walking to work? Some of the best advice I received during my year was “you’re not just trying to lose weight, you’re working towards a new lifestyle.” The changes you make (for the most part, but especially at the beginning) should be things you can stick with for the rest of your life. Figure out what works for you Here’s an example for you - If I have snack things (chips, chocolate, ice cream, block cheese, etc) in my house, I will eat them. I have no will power around snacks, they are my kryptonite. But I also hate leaving the house if I’m already comfy (or if it’s late, or cold, or hot…I’m good at making excuses.) So - I don’t buy snacks when grocery shopping (or if I do it’s a single serving) which pretty much eliminates any chance of unnecessary/unhealthy


This is what everyone wants to hear about the most so I’ll start here. (They actually just interviewed me this morning because of my “success story” so I’ll post that as well once they publish it!) Is it legit? I had the same questions and did a LOT of research before committing to this. I first heard about HW from a savings blog I follow called the Penny Hoarder ( here’s the article ) and then tried to find as many reputable sources as possible that vouched for HW and there’s actually been a fair amount of news coverage on it. (Because I put my utmost trust in NPR, this was what cinched it for me .) I don’t have my check in hand yet (it takes 1-3 weeks to process), but I have no reason to think at this point they’re not going to pay me. How do they decide how much you win? It’s half what you’re willing to do and half odds. You get to play around with their winning calculator to find out what your pay-out would be up front so there are no surprises. You enter how much you